White Paper

The essentials of ESG due diligence in supply chains

Regulatory ESG regimes are on the rise, particularly in Europe and North America. Companies should be aware of some key trends that are shaping the way sustainability is impacting supply chain due diligence requirements.  

Systematic approaches to risk management can help businesses make unknown supply chain liabilities visible and fulfil regulatory obligations with minimal effort. They can also leverage various tools and measures to cascade sustainability throughout the supply chain, mitigate risks and enhance their ESG performance.

What you will learn in this white paper:

  • What key developments are shaping supply chain sustainability requirements
  • Critical trends in supply chain due diligence
  • Practical recommendations on effective due diligence
  • The European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) – Fundamental requirements and open questions
  • How IntegrityNext can help