
From Risk Management to Impact: Meaningful Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains

June 13, 2024, 10.00 – 11.00 am CET

Join us for an insightful webinar co-organized by IntegrityNext, Save the Children and The Centre for Child Rights and Business on human rights due diligence with impact in global supply chains. 

In light of emerging mandatory supply chain due diligence legislation, such as the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, this session zooms in on human rights due diligence and the protection of children in global supply chains.

Learn more about:

  • The regulatory landscape of mandatory human rights due diligence: Learnings from implementing the German Supply Chain Act and looking ahead at the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
  • The case of child labor: Why is it still a live issue today and what do businesses need to do?
  • How to implement effective prevention and remediation of child labor


  • Ines Kämpfer, CEO, The Centre for Child Rights and Business
  • Anne Reiner, Lead Sustainable Supply Chains, Save the Children Germany
  • Katharina Lang, ESG Expert, IntegrityNext


  • Anne Heijnk, ESG Expert, IntegrityNext


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