REACH Regulation

Navigating the complexities of EU chemicals legislation

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REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is an EU regulation designed to improve the protection of human health and the environment from risks posed by chemicals. In force since June 1, 2007, REACH requires companies to document and communicate the presence of certain hazardous substances along their supply chains.

How IntegrityNext can help

REACH features three key lists that specify reporting requirements for hazardous substances, and new chemicals are being added all the time. These catalogues include the candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), the Authorization List (Annex XIV) and the Restriction List (Annex XVII). Our platform helps you gather relevant information about the chemical constituents of your products to facilitate REACH compliance in your supply chain:

  • Collection of structured and standardized supplier data in a centralized platform

  • Collection of supplier data on articles, chemical substances and mixtures pursuant to the SVHC candidate list and annexes XIV and XVII of the REACH regulation

  • Facilitation of compliance with own reporting obligations towards customers and ECHA

  • Promotion of data sharing across the supply chain, recognizing that REACH compliance is a collaborative effort

Why IntegrityNext

We have extensive experience helping companies meet product-related compliance requirements. Our easy-to-use and efficient platform allows you to gain the supply chain insights you need to facilitate compliance with REACH data collection and reporting obligations.



Our platform operates mostly automated, saving you time and money.

No Supplier Fees

Your suppliers can use IntegrityNext for free, ensuring high response rates.

Easy Data Exchange​

You can easily exchange data through our API interface.

Covering more chemical regulations​

We can also assist you with RoHS and the US-American TSCA.

Speak to a REACH Expert

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