December 2024
Umsetzung des LkSG mit IntegrityNext: Zentrale Erkenntnisse für das Reporting
Das vierte Kapitel unserer fünfteiligen Blog-Reihe liefert die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus LkSG-Kundenprojekten zu Reporting und Dokumentation.
The Norwegian Transparency Act (NTA) entered into force on July 1, 2022. It aims to ensure that companies uphold fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in their upstream supply chains, in line with OECD Guidelines. The NTA also highlights the right of the public to obtain information on how companies address potential and actual adverse impacts resulting from their products or services.
We offer a comprehensive risk management system that enables companies to conduct abstract and concrete risk analyses, implement preventive and corrective actions, and easily document and report their compliance efforts. With IntegrityNext, companies can efficiently and effectively meet the requirements of the NTA.
Incorporation of responsible business conduct into internal rules and policies
Identification and assessment of actual and potential adverse impacts
Implementation of suitable measures to cease, prevent or mitigate adverse impacts
Monitoring of implemented preventive and mitigation measures
Duty to account for due diligence
Right to information
IntegrityNext supports you in fulfilling your obligations with the establishment of a continuous and effective due diligence system.
We help you meet the requirements of the Norwegian Transparency Act with minimal effort, reduce associated risks and improve the sustainability of your supply chain. The IntegrityNext platform covers the key due diligence and reporting duties of the NTA and supports a fast and efficient implementation of the new requirements in your company.
IntegrityNext runs mostly automated and is particularly resource-friendly for you.
A legal opinion was conducted to determine exactly which requirements of the VSoTr are met with IntegrityNext.
A project with IntegrityNext takes 6 to 8 weeks on average.
There are no related costs for your suppliers – this increases your response rate.
IntegrityNext covers all risk areas defined in the LkSG, as well as many more.
KONGSBERG aimed to transform its supplier sustainability management process into a seamless, efficient, and digital approach.
December 2024
Das vierte Kapitel unserer fünfteiligen Blog-Reihe liefert die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus LkSG-Kundenprojekten zu Reporting und Dokumentation.
December 2024
Der Tag der Menschenrechte, der jedes Jahr am 10. Dezember gefeiert wird, erinnert uns an die gemeinsame Verantwortung aller Menschen, Würde, Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit für alle zu wahren. Warum dies nach wie vor von großer Bedeutung ist und wie IntegrityNext den Schutz der Menschenrechte in globalen Lieferketten unterstützt, erklären wir in diesem Blogpost.
November 2024
Auf der 29. Klimakonferenz (COP29) in Baku, Aserbaidschan, war die zentrale Frage, wie effektiver Klimaschutz auf globaler Ebene umgesetzt werden kann. In unserem Blogbeitrag beleuchten wir die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Klimakonferenz für Unternehmen und welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sich daraus ergeben.