On January 1, 2022, the "Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency regarding Minerals and Metals from Conflict Areas and Child Labour“, or short „VSoTr“, came into force in Switzerland. Affected companies must check their supply chains for compliance with human rights and environmental standards and fulfill related reporting obligations.
IntegrityNext offers a comprehensive risk management system that enables companies to conduct abstract and concrete risk analyses, implement preventive and corrective actions, and easily document and report their compliance efforts. By using IntegrityNext, companies can efficiently and effectively meet the new requirements of the VSoTr.
Safely implement the requirements
with IntegrityNext
IntegrityNext helps you meet the requirements of the Swiss VSoTr with minimal effort, reduce associated risks, and improve the sustainability of your supply chain.
The IntegrityNext platform fully supports key due diligence and reporting obligations in the areas of conflict minerals and/or child labour:
Confirmed by a legal opinion
The Swiss Supply Chain Act (VSoTr): Scope, requirements and implementation with IntegrityNext
Download our White Paper to learn if you are affected by the Swiss Supply Chain Act, what requirements your company faces and how you can implement them with IntegrityNext.
ESG Risk Management Process
IntegrityNext supports you in fulfilling your due diligence obligations with the establishment of a continuous and effective ESG risk management system.
Is your company
The VSoTr is applicable as of fiscal year 2023 and generally applies to all companies whose registered office, head office or principal place of business is in Switzerland.
In the area of minerals and metals, it affects companies that transfer minerals or metals containing tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold from conflict areas and high-risk areas into free circulation in Switzerland or process them in Switzerland.
With regard to child labor, it applies to companies that offer products or services for which there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they have been produced or provided by child labour. The exceptions here are small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in the VSoTr.
Exemption from due diligence obligations under Art. 9 VSoTr
According to Art. 9 VSoTr, companies that comply with internationally recognized equivalent regulations and fulfill the due diligence and reporting obligations set out therein are exempt from the due diligence and reporting obligations under the VSoTr for the respective area (minerals and metals and/or child labour).
By using the IntegrityNext platform, internationally recognized frameworks are already implemented as such that you are exempt from the due diligence obligations under the VSoTr.
Strictly speaking, the reporting obligation is not completely waived for the company concerned, but the report is limited to the specification of the respective frameworks.
The equivalent frameworks defined in the VSoTr are:
Minerals and Metals
OECD Guidance for
Conflict Minerals (April 2016) - Ore alternative
Regulation (EU) 2017/821
Child Labor
- ILO Conventions No. 138 and No. 182 and the ILO-IOE Child Labor Guidance Tool for Business
and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct
- or the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights