Sustainable Supplier Management

Sustainable supplier management involves incorporating environmental, social, and ethical considerations throughout the entirety of a company's procurement process.

How do you achieve Sustainable Supplier Management?

The aim is to ensure that suppliers' practices are in line with sustainability principles. This includes assessing environmental impact, social responsibility and ethical standards. The prerequisite for this is a thorough assessment of suppliers.

Software Solutions in Supplier Management

Software solutions play a key role in sustainable supplier management. They improve the efficient implementation and monitoring of sustainable practices in the supply chain through the following functions:

  • Efficient data analysis

  • Automated handling of supplier data

  • Monitoring of supplier performance

  • Automation of evaluation processes

  • Tracking sustainability criteria in real time

  • Promoting transparent communication and collaboration

  • Support for compliance with legal standards

Critical factors

Key elements for achieving sustainable goals in supply chains include transparency, collaboration and compliance with due diligence obligations, such as those of the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG). In any case, suppliers should be involved in the collective responsibility for sustainable practices.